A review by kelsey3
Fever by Maya Banks


Overall: 3.4

Book Breakdown —
I adored Jace and Bethany’s relationship. They were so sweet, and much better than the first book’s couple.

Pacing/ length: it was great. A lot happened, and though I didn’t always agree with what transpired, it was very well paced. My only big gripe is not getting to see enough of the ending. Banks tends to bullet point her endings; she tends to tell the reader in a few short paragraphs how all the loose ends tie up. This is ok, but I wanted a bit more with Jace and Bethany.

Interesting Plot?: yes. A good story that held my interest.

Reading Medium: ebook.

Spice (?/5): 2.9; it was a little repetitive from the first book but ultimately the characters were better which made the spice better.

Detailed Review—
I noticed that some terms, including the term “baby” was used too often, 240 times to be exact. It’s a verbal tic on the authors part. I did the math and roughly every 4.7 pages the term “baby” is used. That’s overused and I wish the editor would have spoken up about these over used words/ phrases.

A small complaint I have is that the names “Jace” and “Jack” are too similar. I think it was kind of silly that their names were so similar sounding… I mean, the first three letters of each name are the exact same. And because their names are used in the same paragraph/sentence so often, the reader has to slow down and really comprehend which person is which. It slows down the reading process and it would’ve made it better if the names were more varied.

Good overall character development for both characters, unique and interesting plot, and a very well developed relationship. There was also a good balance of spice, romance, and plot. It made the story worth reading. It also made it feel more like a story than the previous book.

Speaking of character development, Jace was much more forgiving of Jack than I would’ve been. I know that Jack didn’t intentionally drug Bethany, but it still happened. Plus, he was constantly endangering her — from giving her name to some loan sharks he owed, to giving her a bottle of drugs she used to be addicted to — even before he accidentally drugged her. So for me, his accidental drugging her was the last straw. He made terrible choice after terrible choice and showed no signs of slowing down, and his actions almost killed Bethany twice. Given Jace’s dislike of Jack from the beginning, I was surprised Jace even offered to help him get a lawyer and avoid jail. I don’t think I would’ve been that forgiving. Although, it goes to show how great Jace’s development was. I applaud that character arc, along with Bethany’s given that she didn’t just instantly forgive Jack for drugging her, like she would have in the beginning of the book. I saw how the characters and their relationship influenced each other and made Bethany less forgiving and naïve while making Jace more forgiving.

Several times throughout the read, Jace would get jealous and angry over the budding friendship between Ash and Bethany. Whenever this happened, Ash and Bethany would get so mad at Jace; going so far as to accuse him of not really trusting either of them. I don’t agree with that line of thinking. Jace, Ash, and Bethany had a threesome at the start of the book. But Jace never wanted that to happen in the first place, and even though he was wrong for not vocalizing his reservations, Jace got jealous thinking about Ash and Bethany together afterwards and lashed out at the two a few times over it. It may not have been a very mature reaction, but it was a very realistic one. Ultimately I don’t think Jace was an ass for getting mad at them and lashing out a few times, given their history; I just think it made him human and I don’t think that either of them gave him enough slack for it. In one of the last conflicts of the book, Jace walks in on Ash and Bethany talking intimately and lashes out:
The doors opened and he was greeted by the sight of Bethany and Ash standing across the living room in front of the window. And she was smiling. Her entire face was lit up like a goddamn Christmas tree. It was the first time he'd seen her really smile with that much enthusiasm in a week. She was looking at Ash like he'd just hung the fucking moon. And then Ash touched her face. It wasn't a casual gesture at all and it sent alarm bells clanging in his head. There was an intimacy to that touch. And the look on Ash's face. Tender. Affectionate. What the fuck was going on?
His temper exploded, a result of a shitty day gone even shittier by finding Ash in his apartment, touching his woman and her smiling at fucking Ash in a way she hadn't smiled for him in days. All he could think about was that night. Ash's mouth on her skin, his dick inside her mouth, her ass. The gasps of pleasure that Ash had wrung from her. It made him crazy.
"What the fuck is going on here?" he asked icily.
Ash and Bethany both whirled around to look at him, Ash's hand sliding from
Bethany's face. Bethany's eyes widened in alarm while Ash immediately looked pissed off. Fuck that.
"Ash came by to see you,” Bethany said in a low voice.
"Yeah, I can see that," Jace growled.

I thought Ash’s response (anger towards Jace’s reaction, and then warning Jace that if he ever got angry about it again their friendship would be over, which wasn’t representative of their unbreakable brotherly bond at all) and Bethany’s (accusing Jace of not truly trusting her even though they had only known each other for a few weeks max) was an overreaction on both of their parts. He may have been an ass and out of line for jumping to conclusions but they gave him no room to be human.

Ash was a bit unfriendly. A bit inappropriate and unbrotherly; this was especially true when he talked to Jace about Bethany and how he would swoop in and take her if Jace didn’t make it right with her after the aforementioned argument. WTH? It’s not how I envisioned their friendship and it made me lose a lot of respect for Ash, and made Jace’s insecurities and outburst that much more justified. I think it was meant to be humorous and lighthearted back-and-forth banter between two long time friends, but it didn’t land that way.
”…And I just snapped. It was stupid. Neither of you deserved it. But I took out my anger and frustration on you both."
Ash just stared at him for a long moment. "This shit's got to stop. This is twice you've bit at me. I'm not taking it a third time.” ….. "And why are you down here apologizing to me when it's Bethany you need to be begging forgiveness from?" Ash demanded. Jace blew out his breath. "She's upset.”
"Understandably so."
"Yeah. Absolutely.”
"So, then why aren't you up there with her?" Ash persisted. "Tell me you aren’t giving her up. Because I'm telling you right now, you do that and I'll move in and I won't be the asshole you're being.”
Jace's nostrils flared. "What the fuck? So you do have feelings for her.”
Ash shook his head. “All I know is that she's a beautiful, desirable, sweet-as-hell woman. That already places her miles above the women we typically fuck. I'd be perfectly happy to see where a relationship would take us. I already know we're compatible in bed.”
"Fuck you,” Jace snarled.
Ash smirked. "Then maybe you should get your ass up the elevator and make sure she's not going to leave your ass." ….. "Are we good?" Jace asked in a quiet voice. Ash's shoulders went up and down as he blew out a deep breath. "Yeah, man, we're
good. But swear to God, you won't get a third time to pull that shit with me." Jace nodded and then held up his fist. Ash bumped it. Hard. Jace nearly winced as Ash's knuckles cracked over his.
"Go make this right with your girl," Ash said.
"Because if you don't, I will."
Jace scowled and Ash laughed.
"Knew that would motivate you,” Ash said, amusement heavy in his voice. Jace punched him in the arm and then turned back to the elevator.

As with the previous installment, I did think that the ending was a little bit rushed. Maya Banks seems to have a predisposition to writing a very quick and tidy ending. In the first book, and also this one, she basically bullet pointed the last few loose ends of the book and shoved them into paragraph form that spanned a couple of pages. This may work for some readers, and in some cases I like it too, but for Jace and Bethany I wanted a little bit more. I really loved their story and I wanted more of an ending than a couple of paragraphs.

The emotional impact in this installment was much better than it’s predecessor — and it’s successor for that matter. When Bethany was fighting for her life in the hospital, I really felt Jace‘s emotions come through the page. He was desperate to get her back and to make everything OK. He was a very caring and loving partner throughout the entire book, and much better than his counterparts in this way. But specifically when Bethany was in the hospital, I was mesmerized by the storyline. It was actually kind of heartbreaking the way he kept begging for her to come back to him. It was also well paced. Those scenes never felt rushed or too slow. I enjoyed that heartbreaking climax of the book very much. I loved that the emotion was palpable and that Jace and Bethany’s relationship was so well developed by that point.

Also, after I read the entire series I can say without a shadow of a doubt that Jace was my favorite male character. He was kind and considerate to his partner, unlike the others. He even made it clear to Bethany that if she was not comfortable with his sexual proclivities that he would be OK with suppressing some of his more demanding kinks, and instead find a middle ground where they both felt comfortable, because she mattered to him more than his sexual preferences did. None of the other men in the books offered that to their partners, and it made me respect him a lot more as a person and a partner. It made him seem like he truly loved her for her and not just what she could offer in the bedroom. I did not get that feeling from the rest of the men in the series. Ultimately, he was the most interesting and kind MMC of the entire series and I appreciated that tenfold. I would’ve read three more books about him and Bethany alone.

Some of these weaker plot points and character developments made the book feel less complex than others — which is to be expected given the content and genre— and led to it being scored a little bit lower than it would have otherwise, but ultimately it was a really good book. Overall, this installment was my favorite of the entire series. And if I was going to recommend any of the books in the breathless trilogy, it would be this one.

Character List—
Jace: MMC. Ash’s best friend & business partner. Engaged to Bethany. Older brother of Mia.

Bethany: had a threesome once with Ash & Jace. Only ever loved Jace. Engaged to Jace. Has a collar from Jace. Is going to school to get a higher education. Was homeless before her relationship.

Ash: Gabe & Jace’s best friend & business partner. Shares women with Jace until Jace meets Bethany. Had relations with Bethany at first, before Jace admitted to wanting her alone.

Gabe: Ash & Jace’s third best friend & business partner. Married to Mia.

Mia: married to Gabe. Younger sister of Jace.

Jack: Bethany’s foster brother. She considers him a friend and brother but he always wanted more than friendship. She didn’t know that. He protected her when they were in foster homes but eventually got tangled in drugs, both with addiction and dealing. Uses Bethany as his collateral with some bad people he borrows money from. They beat her up when he doesn’t give them the money fast enough. He doesn’t trust Jace. He wants to kill himself by ODing on pills in hot cocoa but accidentally hands Bethany the wrong hot cocoa and almost kills her accidentally. For Bethany’s sake, Jace helps him get a plea deal to go to rehab and then probation instead of jail. Tells Jace thanks and to take care of Bethany and to treat her right.

Memorable Quotes—
“Going to marry her as soon as possible,” Jace said hoarsely. “Swear to God, if she survives this, I’m going to marry her and spend every goddamn day making sure she knows where my heart is at.”
- Jace about Bethany to his friends when she’s in the hospital

38y/o hotel magnate Jace Crestwell falls for 23 y/o temporary banquet employee Bethany Wills at an engagement party for his sister, Mia, & business partner, Gabe. Ash McIntyre, the 3rd in Gabe & Jace’s partnership, also notices her, so Ash & Jace do with Bethany what they’ve done with other women for years: engage in a threesome. But this time, the encounter means more to Jace, so when Bethany splits shortly afterward, Jace seeks her out & takes her home with him after finding her bruised up from a violent attack & living in a homeless shelter. Bethany admits to being beaten by drug dealers who were looking for payment from her older brother, Jack, with whom she’d grown up with in foster homes. But after becoming addicted to painkillers at 18, leading to her arrest for illegal drug possession, she tried straightening out her life and managed to get sober. Jace tries to help, setting her up to split time between his penthouse & Mia’s vacant apartment (as his sister has now moved in with Gabe). He also employs bodyguards for her, in case the thugs decide to return. But Bethany sneaks away from them to find Jack, whose lack of recent contact leaves her worried; she invites him to stay with her, but he refuses. When she returns to Jace, she confesses that she escaped to see Jack, & reveals that he isn’t her blood brother. Jace confesses that he’s paid off Jack’s thugs. The incident brings the two closer, solidifying their relationship. She goes onto meet all of his friends and family while she worries about Jack being alone on the streets.

Eventually Jack wonders around again and finds Bethany at Mia’s old apartment. He says he needs to eat, shower, & leave his bag in the apartment for a few hours. She agrees and offers to make him dinner. He takes off after leaving Bethany a bottle of pills that she used to be addicted to, though she quickly puts them in a cabinet and forgets about them. She goes to the grocery & when she returns, Jace is in her apartment angry that she met with Jack without him being there & that she gave Jack her address in the first place; realizing that he only knew this by having her followed, she accuses him of not trusting her. He accuses her of being naive for allowing Jack’s backpack to be left in her apartment because it is full of drugs. She is stunned that Jack would do this and the two argue. As the argument intensifies, Jace proclaims in the heat of the moment that the apartment is actually his and not hers. She runs away angry and sad. Returning to the apartment later, she sees the bottle of pills & almost takes one to cope with the negative feelings, but spits it out before she does. She returns to Jace and they talk through their issues and reconcile.

When Jack reappears in Bethany’s life again, she gives him a key to the apartment, but Jace isn’t thrilled with the idea. Jacks reappearance causes them to argue, but they end up compromising: Bethany will permanently move in with Jace while Jack occupies Mia’s apartment on the condition that he stays off drugs.

One night, Ash pays Bethany a visit while Jace is at work to clear away any issues and awkwardness stemming from their one-time sexual encounter, Jace arrives home & misinterprets the scene, leaving Bethany heartbroken from his distrust & Ash angry at the insinuation. The friends argue & makeup, but Bethany is devastated by this perceived lack of trust on Jace’s part & cries all night long at his apartment; meanwhile, Jace respects her wishes and chooses to give her space to work through her emotions even though it kills him to not make it right on the spot. The next morning after he goes to work — vowing to come home as soon as possible to talk it all out — she comes to the realization that trust isn’t given overnight & they’ve only been romantically involved for a few weeks. She decides to forgive him as soon as he gets home from work because she loves him.

That same morning, after Jace leaves for work, Bethany is informed of Jacks arrival at the apartment. She goes to him unexpectedly and he bids her goodbye, since he sees how happy she is with Jace. He also confesses to having romantic feelings for Bethany, but just as she asserts her feelings aren’t mutual, she lapses into a coma caused by a painkiller overdose in the hot cocoa he’d given her. Before her arrival he’d intended to kill himself via OD and accidentally gave her the wrong cup of hot cocoa, thus leading to her OD.

When Jace finds out she OD’d he believes himself responsible because he’d distrusted her, and believes she turned to pills after their argument — which was still unresolved at this point — because she once almost took a pill after another of their fights. He is devastated and wracked with guilt.

At the hospital he begs Bethany to fight for them, her, & him. During a brief moment of consciousness, she pleads with Jace to believe her that she didn’t take anything & she doesn’t know how it happened. He believes her and when she slips back into unconsciousness, he pieces it together and realizes it was Jack’s fault.

Bethany eventually recovers. She realizes that she needs to let Jack go and commit herself to Jace. After making arrangements to ensure that Jack gets rehabilitated, Jace proposes to Bethany; she accepts. They get their HEA.