A review by sarahrosebooks
Broken Angels by Richard K. Morgan

Did not finish book.
DNF at page 184.

I tried, I really tried, but I just didn't like this. I think what convinced me to put this down was the phrase 'pneumatic breasts' during one of the worst sex scenes I've ever read.

I didn't understand what the hell was going on most of the time. Plus, I really don't enjoy war stories. I didn't know who the Kempists were, or what they were fighting for, or who the other side was, and what they were fighting for. I didn't understand the main plot, and what Takeshi and his team were looking for. The whole thing confused me, even after nearly 200 pages.

I should mention, though I say I don't like war stories, what I mean is that I don't like war stories that I don't understand, or that lack that personal element, such as following a character closely through a war. This is a more high end look at things, and the distance from the actual people in the war, despite some of the characters having fought in it, really made it hard for me to get behind it. You are told these people fight in the war, on whatever side they are on, but Tanya Wardani gets fixed with a quick VR session with Takeshi. It just felt very impersonal and detached to me.

In the end, I just did not care enough to continue, and it was starting to feel like a chore every time I picked the book up. So I decided to DNF it. Maybe one day I'll come back to it. Maybe one day I'll read the third book.

This wasn't a patch on Altered Carbon, which I've realised I liked a lot more because of the detective noir feel to it. If the third book is more like that, maybe I'll give it a try.