A review by bookmarkedjosie
A Taxonomy of Love by Rachael Allen


A Taxonomy of Love, by Rachael Allen, is a medium-paced YA contemporary romance. It consists of short chapters and various forms of writing support. You get regular chapters, as well as taxonomies, letters and text messages. 

I found the book really cute and interesting. I loved how the main character has Tourette's syndrome but it doesn't define him. It's just part of who he is. I don't know anyone with Tourette's, but it felt like a good representation of it and I grew attached to Spencer. 

The book is separated into different parts, following Spencer's age. We see him grow up, going from 13 years old, to 19. The language and writing style evolves accordingly and it really feels like we watch him grow up and mature. 

Although it was cute and fun to read, I felt like the plot and/or the characters were missing depth. I would've wanted more. I would still recommend it for romance lovers as it is a nice read overall.