A review by caseroo7
Dear Bridget, I Want You by Penelope Ward, Vi Keeland


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I absolutely love Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward. I can't get enough of the co-written stories and I love their solo releases as well. I always know that if it has their names attached to it that I am going to enjoy it, and they have yet to let me down. Simon just might be my favorite hero of theirs yet, and I think readers are going to love this one just as much as I did!

When Simon finds himself needing a temporary place to live, his best friend hooks him up with a friend of hers looking to make some extra money. Bridget thought that by having a tenant would help out with providing for her and her son. But when she realizes that he is none other than the sexy doctor that helped her out a few months back, she knows that she needs to keep a lid on the attraction she feels for him. Simon is only in town until his residency is over and he isn't looking for anything series, especially with a single mom when he doesn't plan on having a family of his own. But the more time they spend together, the more they find themselves drawn to one another despite all the reasons they should stay away.

I absolutely loved these two. They were so great for one another and I couldn't get enough of them. Simon is definitely one of my favorite heroes EVER! I absolutely LOVED him. He was so sweet and funny, as well as being dirty. I just loved everything about him. Bridget was sweet and vulnerable, but she was strong as well. She is definitely someone I could see myself being friends with in real life. These two just belonged together and I loved seeing them become friends and that turn into more. It was refreshing how honest they were with each other, even if it was done in a way that wasn't always face to face. I also really enjoyed how great Simon was with Bridget's son, it was just adorable.

Overall, this book was fantastic! I loved it and the characters and didn't ever want it to end. There was one thing that I wasn't entirely happy about, but it didn't stop me from enjoying the story. This book is definitely one of my favorites from these two, and I think readers are going to love this one like I did. These two just seem to get better with each new book of theirs, and I honestly hope that neither of them ever quit writing. They are amazing authors individually and together!

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**