A review by stuhlsem
The Talent Code: Unlocking the Secret of Skill in Sports, Art, Music, Math, and Just About Everything Else by Daniel Coyle


I recommend this book to everyone who works in any sort of education, coaching, or training, or just to people who like to be good at things.

I thought this book was a fascinating take on how people develop talent and/or skill in anything from music to sports to teaching. The author explored the neurological basis for skill development (myelin) as well as the history of talent hotbeds like Renaissance Italy (sculpting) or Brazil (soccer). Talent comes from ignition (what caused someone to decide they wanted to get good something) and then deep practice (deliberate practice - operating on the edge of what you are capable of). Struggle is vital for developing myelin, and even little struggle (like having to fill in letters on lists of words to be memorized) can help develop the myelin that makes your brain work more efficiently.