A review by novelgal
5,000 Words Per Hour: Write Faster, Write Smarter by Chris Fox


IThis short book is part of Chris Fox’s Write Faster, Write Smarter series. It is easy reading for both beginner and advanced writers who want to streamline their work and improve their speed. It begins with and builds on some solid production guidelines. The idea of mini-sprints that build to longer sprints on a daily basis is not new, but a good base for productive writers. The idea of tracking is not new, either, but the suggested form is a useful guide to keep you engaged in the process. Preparing your space, taking breaks from it to keep you fresh, and handling burnout are all excellent topics that the author discusses realistically.

As a personal aside, I probably will not be able to reach the quotas they mention because I am not yet comfortable with using voice recognition to speak my book aloud during the first draft. Although I outline my books, part of my first draft process includes thinking as I write, and stopping to look up information so that the basics are there in their correct form.

One of the questions that occurs to me is how long it would take me to adjust to using voice-to-text in my draft process. After all, I started out using handwritten first drafts, then typewritten, and now computer-typed. Voice-recognition draft creation is just the next step in the writer's education, another tool for the writer to use to speed and hopefully improve his work. It's a matter of where a writer wants to put their energy.