A review by kandisteiner
Into the Tomorrows by Whitney Barbetti


I finished this book two days ago and I still don't have the words to explain how much I loved it. It's been a LONG time since I devoured a book the way I did this one. If you don't read the rest of this review, make sure you read and retain this next sentence: BUY THIS BOOK. Buy it right now. Read it and savor it and wrap yourself up like a burrito inside its pages. Whitney Barbetti's Into the Tomorrows is one of my top reads this year!

First let me start this by saying it's been FOREVER since I read a book so in tune with my own soul. I could feel Trista and her struggles bone-deep. The writing in ITT is phenomenal, capturing you like a sticky spider web and holding you captive. Each sentence is a song, each chapter a poem. There is so much more than an angsty new adult read here (though I do LOVE the angst) - there's self-discovery, there's pain, there's hope. It's absolutely incredible to be a part of.

I'll also say that I wish I could have been the first to read this book so I could call dibs on Jude. Good LORD I haven't fallen for a book boyfriend this hard in quite some time. I'm still dreaming about Jude (also about wrestling bears, but that's a tale for another time). He's attentive - startling so - and he's profound and beautiful and rugged and caring. He's funny. He's hot. He's just... everything. I loved every single second spent with him inside this book.

"Had a man ever looked at me like that? So entirely focused?"

Angst is my thing. It just is. I love to write it, read it, FEEL it - and I felt it so hard during this book. From the moment Trista and Jude met, I knew... I KNEW I was in for a ride. And let me just tell you, I physically ached during this book in the best way.

Surprisingly, Yellowstone was my favorite part of ITT. Everything about that trip called to me and I can't wait to actually get there and see it all myself. The imagery in this book is just insane, and it shows Barbetti's passion for and attention to the tiny details that really make a novel stand out.

"Let me be stained with truth." <--- THIS!!! *dies*

I can't say enough good things about Into the Tomorrows and Barbetti's writing style. Yes, there is a cliffhanger, but you know what? It's worth it. I'm actually looking FORWARD to torturing myself and asking what will happen for the next few months as I wait for book two.

If I can leave you with anything, I'd like it to be this: Take a chance on Into the Tomorrows and Whitney Barbetti. You have my word that you won't regret it!

(P.S. Read the acknowledgements. They're hilarious. THANKS B! ;) Bahahaha.)