A review by constantine2020
After He Killed Me by Natalie Barelli


Rating: 4.5/5.0


This was a fantastic sequel! I still like the first book more but still, this was very close to me. Emma continues to be the crazy woman who will do anything to hide her past crimes. Of course, this requires her to commit new ones! Beatrice and Hannah were some cruel characters in the first book. In this one we see things shift for the husband and his love interest. Sam was another crazy character that is introduced in this follow up.

The start of the book was to a shocking scene then things slowed down a little bit. After that, the rollercoaster started until the end of the story. I feel the end keeps a space for another future book. Not sure if that will happen or not, but I am up for it.

I will definitely read more books for Natalie Barelli because not only she proved that she is an excellent thriller author but also can keep the tension in her stories from start to end. This will make you so engaged with the story and characters all the time. I give this sequel 4.5 out of 5.0 stars. Very much recommended.

Available on Kindle Unlimited