A review by sass_sass
Dark King by M. Sinclair


Loved it

This book closes the series, but feels like this story is just the beginning of a larger tale featuring Vegas and her men. I was happy to read that the author is writing another series featuring these same characters and continuing their story, because there's so much more to tell.

This book is kind of a bridge between the drama in book 4 and whatever happens in the future. It's the perfect set up to begin something new. And it still ties into the Vengeance series, which I also just finished, having read both books concurrently.

There's a lot of spicy times between Vegas and her men, plus a bunch of magical shenanigans and horrible attitudes toward humans with magical abilities versus fae folk and blatant misogyny, so there's a lot of work that needs to be done in this universe and thankfully the women in the remaining Horde Universe books are here to clean thing up.

I loved watching Vegas grow from a weaker character in the beginning to someone incredibly strong. Magic helped, but also having strong female friends as role models plus the support of her men seemed to boost her confidence. We can't always be strong on our own. Having a team helps.