A review by buffyb
Full Circle by Pamela Freeman


So, I read a lot of book blogs and lists like 'The Top 800 Fantasy Books You Must Read Before You Die' and I've gotta say that I've never seen anything by Pamela Freeman on any of those lists. I'd never even heard of her before. I found The Castings Trilogy by a happy accident at the library one day. They had all 3!!! (When does that ever happen?) So I thought I'd give the first one a try and see how it went. I loved these books so much! And I'm sitting here thinking WHY HAVEN'T I EVER HEARD OF THESE UNTIL NOW?? Seriously. I mean, I don't really keep up with what's new but these have been around for a few years now. I would have thought that I would have seen something about them knocking around on the internet.

Anyway, I read a fair amount of books so sometimes I find myself getting genre fatigue. One can only read so many fantasy/sci-fi/dystopi/zombie books until they start to get very samey. I think that this is one of the reasons that these books really spoke to me. The stories take place in a fantasy world but it's different to the kind with orcs, elves and wizards that we all like so much. There's still mystical stuff going on but it feels much different. There's a realness that feels like it could have happened in our world in the past. These books were also very character-focused which appeals to me greatly. I love getting into the minds of the people in stories. To travel with them and learn their motivations. I couldn't wait to finish the last one yet I felt sad when I finally closed the book. That's great storytelling.

If you like fantasy and are looking for something a bit different, you should definitely give these books a try. Oh, and if someone could make them into a film as well, that'd be great.