A review by cheekylaydee
Moll Flanders by Daniel Defoe


Moll Flanders, the assumed identity of a notorious thief tells her life story in this book by Daniel Defoe author of Robinson Crusoe.
The daughter of a deported criminal, first adopted by gypsies, then taken in by a "mother" in a children's boarding house she ends up being taken in by a wealthy patron.
This is where Moll's innocence is first corrupted by the eldest son of the family and from then on it is a life of numourous liasons, marriages, copious amounts of children. What else is a poor wench to do but marry well? Apart from when one of your husbands turns out to be your brother, unbeknownst to you.
So if you find yourself penniless and without the prospect of a husband you of course have to steal to survive. Neccessity breeds these things. So what happens to one so plagued with misfortune?! How can a character such as this ever have a happy ending?! If you haven't done so I recommend you read the book to find out! :D