A review by melissasbookshelf
Searching for You by Jody Hedlund


Loved this third book in the Orphan Train series! Jody Hedlund knows how to write a good clean romance. In this book, we get Sophie's story. She is a headstrong, stubborn girl who witnesses a murder. To escape and keep the children she has become a mother to safe, she decides to join the orphan train going West. They end up in a small town where Reinhold whom we know from previous books is struggling to make a success of his farm. There is definite chemistry between the two, but both have things they are running away from.

This is a quick enjoyable read, especially when Sophie meets up with Reinhold. There are times I wanted to shake both Reinhold and Sophie, but the angst in the story just makes it that much better. Highly recommend this series.