A review by psteve
The Burglar Who Thought He Was Bogart by Lawrence Block


Enjoyable if slight. Bernie Rhodenbarr is a bookstore-owning burglar in New York, and a regular character of Block's. In this one, a strange Eastern-European walks into his bookstore (of all the bookstores in all the world...), and strikes up an acquaintance. She's planning on attending a Bogart film festival, and he goes along. They go to almost every Bogart movie in the festival, on double-bills. At the same time, an acquaintance of his tells hires him to burgle some documents from an apartment. This goes bad, the girl disappears, and our man gets involved in figuring out what was going on, which involves a maybe king of a central European country. Not a lot to it, though all the Bogart references, both subtle and not are fun, especially at the end.