A review by geo_ix
Banking the Billionaire by Max Monroe


I still don’t really like Cass, but I enjoyed the story so no matter how much I dislike her or hated some of the stuff that happened, I can’t say I wasn’t entertained and feeling emotions.

A lot of the scenes in this annoyed me. I was annoyed at how everything was a ‘prank’, but at the same time, I loved it? Honestly I have a super love hate relationship with these books because the women are so over the top crazy and weird, but at the same time I like how different they are from most heroines in books?

Adding the novellas and final book to this year’s TBR because I want to get back to the football series and eventually get to the doctor one. Maybe I can do that this year. I do plan on reading a few authors whole list of books this year, maybe MM will make this year. We shall see.