A review by thingsreadinbed
Mockingbird: A Portrait of Harper Lee by Charles J. Shields


Stream of consciousness review: I want more, but who doesn’t? Really left me seeing In Cold Blood differently (in that I believed that Harper asstd in research and now seeing the copious amount of work she did on it almost see her as a coauthor *please don’t let the lightning of the book gods strike me dead*). How interesting is this pair of friends/frenemies tho? We see a fictionalized childhood in TKAM through Scout and Dill and then through notes and letters see their working relationship in KS to collaborate and write ICB. I just can’t get enough. Definitely will revisit other Capote writings. Then the simple and shared dedication of ICB after Lee won the Pulitzer. How would things have been different if Capote had won the prize too or Lee had flopped? Also a huge fan of GSAW so seeing it’s birth and how it was formed was a great part of the book for me.