A review by poppyjessica
Bad Things Happen Here by Rebecca Barrow


'Bad Things Happen Here' by Rebecca Barrow is set in the corrupt high society of Parris, where it seems tragedy always strikes the young women of the town, many of them dying in mysterious circumstances. Luca is convinced this a curse befalling the town, one day feeling this hit too hard and close to home when her sister Whitney is found murdered. Of course, Luca becomes an amateur detective (not quite as savvy as Pip in A Good Girl's Guide to Murder but close), determined to unpick her sister's last movements and the corruption at the core of the police force who never seem to crack any of these cases.

We have a few chapters getting to know Whit before her untimely death, meaning that we have a lot more investment in the solving of her murder. Luca is also haunted by the tragic (accidental???) death of her best friend Polly two years prior. Violence underscores every plot point in this novel, with the truth gradually unravelling these people being rotten to the core.

The ending ties up some of the plot but much is let loose - are we due a sequel? Let's hope so.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher who provided an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.