A review by articulatemadness
Down on the Street by Alec Cizak


Down on the Street is a book that is just in a spiraling world of shit. Like Full Metal Jacket Gomer Pyle type shit. What happen in this book makes the shit riddled streets of San Francisco feel as polished as a turd from Beverly Hills!

Lester is a shit cabbie that hates his shit taxi job, and feels shitty that the world has taken a ginormous dump on his head every fifteen minutes from the moment he was born. Chelsea feels shitty because she's a broke college kid with shitty deadbeat parents not helping her get a shitty education and debt is taking a big fat dump on her head every half hour on schedule. Theoretically, it's a no brainer that both of them meet and capitalize on their shitty circumstances, then become shitty people in a pimp/ho dynamic to make ends meet. It's a shitty arrangement with financial incentives that are fleeting, because their greed gets them both into shitty situations that resets the clock on their shitty existence so badly they can't find a shitty way out of their self-created shit this time. And what's so crazy is that both of them are so laid back, almost melancholy, that my description of their existence probably is far more animated that either of them are in the book, lol. And that's not a bad thing because it really sells their desperation. Life just has reamed the shit out of them, and by the time Alec Cizak got to writing about it they had run out of air. What we are left reading is their slow and deliberate suffocation until there is nothing left to give but blood.

In other words, it's a great gritty dark crime book. So read it.