A review by benhusting
The Rings of Saturn by W.G. Sebald


Wonderful. Beautiful, clear prose. Loved the rambling style. The book is a bit difficult to explain, but essentially, it’s a bit of a travelogue/journal/rumination on the nature of time and decay that frequently slips into digressions on odd stories and myths and rumors of history - always with a surprising connective through line. Pretty great.

The reason it took me 8 months to read it is I started it after graduating from college, read it for about a week, enjoying it, before getting the sudden urge to revisit The Power Broker and give it one more try after I had read 100 pages of that book 2 years before and given up on it. Well, I got sucked in to The Power Broker, that was my book of choice all summer, then I moved to Chicago, returned to The Rings of Saturn, was back to enjoying it, I read the penultimate chapter the night before my first day of class - and then law school started and I didn’t read non-law material for a whole quarter plus winter break. Finally picked it back up and finished the dang thing this Saturday morning when I couldn’t handle it staring back at me from the coffee table for another day.

New year, new goal - for 2023, I’m gonna try to be way better about reading books outside of school this year. Gonna try to hit 20! (Although it would be funny if January 2024 rolls around and this is still my most recent post)