A review by rankkaapina
Get It Done When You're Depressed by Julie A. Fast, John D. Preston


I'm not sure if my rating has any value, I just realized I'm facing a different kind of issue. I feel like I'm mostly over the depression part, I just have a hard time getting things done. It's like my brain learned the depression habit and now I don't know how to change the habit anymore. I do know how to plan, I know how to break up my tasks, I just have a problem with getting started on things.

Anyway, what I do like about the book is, that it gives concrete advice. Things you can do. I felt like this was the problem at some point, that you sort of knew that you should do something, but you didn't know what it was, so that's a plus. What I don't like is, that it assumes everyone has family around. When you live abroad and you've lived in the place only about 2 years and you don't speak the language very well, for example asking for help gets complicated. I have colleagues and friends who are happy to help, but I already have to ask for a lot of help just because of language stuff. And it's hard to push those relationships even more. It would be very different if my family was around or friends I've known for 20 years.

So, I'm a bit disappointed on the level of the advice. It applies in a certain kind of situation, but I feel this is so not written for me.