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A review by m_ren_watson
The Middle Daughter by Chika Unigwe


If I had the chance to go back and not read this book, I would consider it. If you go into this book (like me) expecting the modern retelling of Hades and Persephone like the back of the book says, you will probably be unpleasantly surprised. I would never classify this book as a retelling of mythology, even though there may be some parallels.
If you go into it expecting and wanting a hard to read book about abuse and entrapment (unlike me), you may like it more.
I think the writing was good- although I definitely could’ve done without the Ephraim chapters. If you are triggered by stories of intense domestic violence, repeated SA, grief of loved ones, etc I would tread very lightly with this book.
Rooting for Nani and wanting her to prevail made me stick with this book, but I had to put it down a couple times and considered not picking it back up.