A review by universalbookworm
Piper Perish by Kayla Cagan


I received a sampler copy of this novel from Net Galley. Really, only a small sample so my views should be taken with a grain or two of salt.

Overall, I enjoyed the premise presented by the description - the main character "inhales air and exhales art" - however, in the short sampler I read there wasn't much development on this core plot piece.

Also, the diary entry writing style is very disjointed which can be disorienting for the beginning of the story. However, by the end of the sampler, I felt the writing style was indicative of Piper's changing views on life, and matched the character quite well. The author also makes an admirable attempt to make several references to how art and artists are perceived in popular culture. But at times the allusions seemed surface, with no real comparison to be made.

Ultimately, I think this is worth a read if you are at all interested in close mother-daughter relationships, coming of age tales that involve art, and wacky main characters.