A review by greyscarf
Library Wars: Love & War, Vol. 13 by Kiiro Yumi


Our issue opens with the Defense Force confronting the MBC outside Kanto Base, where the MBC agents have been waiting for a chance to nab author Kurato Toma, the author currently under the Force's protection. Orikuchi writes a blistering expose & Toma is moved to Inamine's house. But the sense of safety doesn't last as the MBC forces Inamine's housekeeper to give up what she knows. Kasahara & Dojo get the author away in time in an impressive action sequence. Genda (yay!) returns from the hospital & convinces Orikuchi to rally the media against the MBC. Satoshi discovers that Eto has been making his own plan of action & forces him out. As the media coverage turns up the heat on the MBC & Toma's case makes it's way through the courts, Kasahara suggests that Toma defects to highlight his oppression.

Another issue with some great action! Inamine's weaponized wheelchair is so over-the-top it becomes wonderfully ridiculous. But readers will cheer through the giggles! And guess who's behind the whole car-chase-shipping-container-flight-to-safety? Genda! Who's back & in charge & just as crazy as before. I would love to see a spin-off of his adventures--Shibazaki brings him some juicy intel & he executes his bonkers-intricate plots. The romances here take a back seat but we do get to see Komaki & Marie have a special afternoon together. Their moments together still make me cringe a little--I get it, she's young & innocent, but there's still this desperation about her. . . yuck. At least we can rely on Kasahara being awkward & punch-happy to break up the drama. Oh Kasahara, you'll grow out of the awkwardness one day, I promise.