A review by cid
On Friendship by Michel de Montaigne


For something written over 400 years ago, this book has aged remarkably well. Very few sections could be said to be outdated, and there is much to learn from this book and apply in modern lives. Practically every page produces a memorable quote and you can tell that this is part of the author's life work.

One thing to note. The position of women in society has changed markedly since this book was published, which some readers have rather superficially described as OMG MISOGYNY. Interestingly enough, the translation I read was done by a woman, together with her comments on the author's views in the context of its time, without resorting to superficial rage labels which are very fashionable these days among people always looking for the next thing to be offended by. If you're on the lookout for a book that promotes "dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women", you will be sorely disappointed here.