A review by alicebennett
Proud of Me by Sarah Hagger-Holt


I thought this book was absolutely beautiful and very well-written.

It follows the lives and experiences of Becky and Josh, two donor-conceived children who are 'almost-twins' and their mothers, Ima and Mum. Both children are in year eight and are experiencing some typical pre-teenage issues such as, friendship trouble and not knowing who they are.

However, there is something more going on as Becky starts to realise that her feelings for her new best friend Carli, might be something more than friendship. While Josh is desperate to find his actual father. Both of them just want their family to be proud of them, but they struggle to understand themselves and start keeping secrets from each other, and their mothers.

The themes that run throughout the book are belonging, growing up, LGBTQIA+ issues, family troubles, acceptance and the importance of friendship among siblings and friends.

I would use the book with Year Six children due to the mature issues it covers because it is both educational and moving. Everyone will be able to relate to the theme of feeling like you don't understand who you are because Year Six is a time of change and new life experiences.