A review by becreadsbooks1
Feisty by Julia Kent


I have been waiting for Feisty and Fletch's story since Fluffy last year and this certainty lived up to everything I was hoping for.
The thing that is a little different with this story then some of Julia's others is that while yes it is a love story and you're gonna get your HEA for this couple in the end. The story , the arc of it all is more so about Feisty finding herself and letting herself be herself. Letting herself stop hiding from one side of herself and learning to embrace all of herself. She can't truly let anyone else in until she does. Kent does a wonderful job of walking Feisty and us through this maze of emotions, ups and downs and still giving you all the signature funny moments you expect from a Julia Kent book.

I just love this world that she has created and these characters. I am glad to know there is at least one more story coming and can't wait for that!
Do yourself a favor and read Feisty when it comes out later this month. And go now and read Mallory and Perky's stories while you wait!