A review by dakotavander
The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan


🔱 ⚡️ Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan ⚡️ 🔱 

This must be my millionth time reading this book. I used to read it to my students as I taught Ancient Greece and they loved it. I’m still so astonished at Rick Riordan’s story of how he also was a 6th grade teacher and how he wrote this book to better explain myths to his students and son. It’s so inspiring. 

The book itself is definitely meant for kids and every time I reread it that becomes more and more evident. But even with all the annoyances that I find when I read middle grade or YA, I’m still so happy to know that stories like this, that become so important to kids, exist in the world.

A coworker’s son is currently reading this series for the first time and I’ve loved hearing his thoughts. The show on Disney+, while not perfect, is at least better than the movie, Lol. And I’m working now on updating my teaching resources to sell online as a side hustle.

I think I’ll probably try to read the rest of the series now that I’m not teaching this book over and over again. I’ve liked other books in this universe like Magnus Chase and the Red Pyramid so I think I’ll like following Percy’s story too.