A review by jwmcoaching
Babayaga: A Novel of Witches in Paris by Toby Barlow


I disliked this as much as I loved Barlow's debut, Sharp Teeth. Convoluted and overlong, this was fun for awhile, if not exactly substantial. Then, came the Lord of the Rings-like string of endless endings. By the time I was finally finished, any goodwill that had been built up was completely gone.

Two other things that bothered me: I hate it when a light, frothy read is interspersed with quotes from intellectuals and famous writers and tries to elevate itself to something more than it is. Don't try to be profound when your novel is really just a silly story about witches and spies. I also hate juvenile writing, like when a woman's vagina is described as tasting like a certain food. Yeccchhh!