A review by daisey
Treason by S.M. Boyce


I downloaded the Kindle edition of Lichgates because I happened across it for free, and it sounded like the kind of book I might enjoy. As I read, I found the the world of Ourea incredibly creative and not quite like any other fantasy I have read. I was quickly drawn into the story of Kara and Braeden. When I finished I knew I was going to buy the next book in the series.

I enjoyed Treason even more than Lichgates. I think the main reason is that a big part of reading the first book was spent with Kara and myself attempting to figure out the different places, various characters, and other magical creatures in this intriguing world. During Treason, with this background established, the story gets more complex with plenty of suspense about what twists will come along next. Kara and Braeden must continue to decide who to trust and how to face each of the challenges they confront as they try to bring the different peoples of Ourea together. Although there is still a lot of traveling from place to place, the story delves much deeper into the conflicting and intertwining relationships between the characters.