A review by lululem
The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin


this book made me feel so nostalgic. it literally transported me back to 2013/2014 days. it’s not perfect but i still enjoyed the story.

sooo ngl it feels a bit weird to read YA romances bc they’re so young so it feels a bit wrong ykwim? like im not tryna be imagining no 16 year old kid at my big age.

i really enjoyed the first half of the book because it focused a lot on the paranormal aspect which i’ve really been craving lately, but the second half focused more on the romance which i honestly didn’t really care for. i did like noah’s character though, he was cool ppl. he can definitely hang.

i loved that it had me pretty much guessing the whole way through, and that there were some creepy dark themes. honestly just what i needed rn. i almost wish it was a bit darker tho.

the writing felt a bit choppy. and the dialogue was cringe but i honestly didn’t mind it. it gave me a good laugh bc this was written over a decade ago so i kinda loved the vibes.

ANYWHOOO im actually excited to read the next book because it ended on a cliffhanger and i’m invested in the plot now.

im so happy i had my best girl iqra reading with me