A review by chaos_tempest
Silver in the Blood by Jessica Day George


It took me what felt like forever to get into this book, like 75 pages, which is a lot for me. Every few pages I would set it down, even later in the book I had some problems staying interested. I eventually felt myself carrying about some of the characters, but mainly it was just hating Mihai. Lou and Dacia had a great relationship and I was regularly entertained by how snarky they could be, unfortunately that wasn't as much as I would have liked, at any given time one of them was introverted.

Now, please understand, I'm not saying that on the end I didn't enjoy this book, I really did. The unique setting, intriguing twist, Dacia and Lou's character development. I'm a little surprised that this is being called a standalone, I do feel that the ending left it wide open to be an interesting series. I'm going to be checking out Jessica Day George's other books to see how they compare.