A review by rereader33
Wotakoi: Love Is Hard for Otaku 3 by Fujita


In this volume, would get to see Nao-chan's personality shine as he wants to help out Ko-kun after a misunderstanding. It was so sweet watching Nao-chan worry and ask for advice on how to comfort a friend, especially since it's obvious that he cares. He's not doing it for any noble or selfish reason, he simply wants to apologize to a friend that he thought he wronged. I loved seeing Ko-kun and him hang out, and oh my gosh Ko-kun's expressions are so darn cute I can't even handle it. Seeing Narumi cosplay for the first time and watching her and Koyanagi bond over cosplaying was refreshing and sweet. I love seeing friends or lovers introduce each other to their interests and the other party giving it an honest try. I also like that it took several volumes for Narumi to agree to do it, that made it feel more realistic. The cosplays they did were amazing and I just loooooooove the artwork, not just in this scene but throughout the entire omnibus. I loved Hirotaka saving Narumi from some pushy guys, but admits he was just as afraid in the situation as she was. It's refreshing to see a male character do something heroic but not necessarily being a confident bad-ass. Seriously, it's so refreshing and it also stayed true to Hirotaka's character. Also, the sauna contest Hirotaka and Kabakura have towards the end of the manga is hilarious and highlights their competitive nature. I could blabber on and on, but I have other manga to read, so I leave off here. It was fun and I had an absolute blast rereading this series.