A review by melissa_427
We Need to Talk: How to Have Conversations that Matter by Celeste Headlee


So much to glean from these pages... Lots of insight, conviction, anecdotes and research.

Below: a smattering of my favorite thoughts.

"Empathy, at its most basic, is the ability to sense someone else’s feelings, to be aware of their emotional state, and to imagine their experience."

"Approaching emotional problems with logic is a strategy that is doomed to failure."

"...to train my mind to see others as individuals who face daily challenges that are equal to mine."

"You must commit to a conversation, even the brief ones, or walk away. If you’re too distracted, admit that to both yourself and the other person. Be present or be gone."

"There is no belief so strong that it cannot be set aside temporarily in order to learn from someone who disagrees. Don’t worry; your beliefs will still be there when you’re done."

"As the years have passed, I’ve noticed that conversations have deteriorated and people seem to be less inclined to seek out information from diverse sources. We no longer feel we understand each other, and therefore we don’t trust each other."