A review by claudia_is_reading
Destination Dark Zone: Six Twisted Tales by Susan May


This is an amazing collection of stories.

Lucky This Time: A man with an extreme case of OCD, bound by his daily routines, until one day he finds a chance to change and decides to take it. A delightfully twisted short story.

Beyond: Permeated with a sense of claustrophobic dread and a surprising twist at the end, this story also has a dream-like quality that makes it particularly attractive.

291: a fast-paced, tremendously engaging story. A masterly horror story, the kind that doesn't rely on gore or cheap shots to scare you. I love the way in which, through its structure, lead us to believe that we know what really is going on, and then, in the end, shake us with a very unexpected ending. Really fabulous!

Salvation: Oh, I love this kind of story, in which there was a single event that didn't happen and changed the world as we know it. And a cautionary tale about how easy is, when you’re certain your cause is just, to excuse almost anything to further it. I wouldn't mind reading more about this Universe, TBH.

Soul Survivor: Oh, this is such a poignant story! Yes, my heart broke a little while reading it, but it's marvellous.

And, finally, Drift. This is a prequel to 'Troubles Keeper', and is, oh, so good! The different POVs, the emotions flowing through the stories, the mysterious beings who are trying to fix... something, and Rory. Rory who is still a little kid, with no knowledge of his gift, trying to convey his fear for what he knows it has happened but it is still unbelievable.

I adore Susan May thrilling writing, her imagination, her masterfully constructed plots and characters and how she seamlessly weaves emotions through the story. And then, we have the 'Vault'. Please, don't skip them! They are a wonderful little window to the writer's mind, They are all origin stories to the stories and I just love them :)

And both narrators, Hollis McCarthy & Steve Marvel, are great and make the whole experience even better.

As always with Susan May, this is a wholly recommended audiobook.