A review by allthebooksandchocolate
Four Christmases and a Secret by Zara Stoneley


This was an adorable Holiday read, and though some parts of it were a little predictable, others really were not. Daisy and Oliver have a history and though you don’t see all of it you can tell there is something there.

Oliver was just such a nice guy. There was a little Mr. Darcy there, but more because that is how Daisy viewed him. I loved the Daisy and Olver dynamic, especially that Oliver was just so supportive of Daisy. Daisy was also likable, and though some of the lessons she learned in this book I saw coming from a mile away, she had to learn them on her own. While this book is a romantic comedy, it is also about daisy learning to love herself, a message I loved and would like to see more in fiction.

The whole cast of characters were pretty amazing Daisy and Oliver’s parents were hilarious. And Uncle T was great as well. Even some of the people you aren’t really supposed to like were at least good for comic relief. If you are looking for an uplifting Holiday read, you should check this one out.