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A review by zaferino
A Coup of Tea by Casey Blair

Did not finish book.
dnf at 50%

I wanted to love this book. The humor is very well done with relatable quips about customer service and the elite. The story is very open minded without weird hate speeches. I just didn't care for the main character...or the other characters. To be honest, besides from the message, I didn't care for the world or the characters. It could have been how the main character tended to breeze by challenges because she was so much more open-minded than the people around her and could read how people felt around her. Every character tended to bend to her and went along with whatever she wanted. Even the problems she caused was easily fixed by her within a chapter or two. I know this is label as cozy which is considered to be low stakes, but I couldn't get past the main character getting a challenge every few chapters and solving it with ease. Not my cup of tea I suppose.