A review by chelsea_jack
The Initiation of Ms. Holly by K.D. Grace


4.5 stars for this very kinky novel about a woman trying to pass the initiation rites of the Mount, an exclusive BDSM club. She's got two purposes: reuniting with the sexy man she met in the dark, and writing an expose to jumpstart her journalism career.

Rita's a daring main character - she's not shy about experimenting sexually, which is really important in a novel of this type. She seemed capable of holding her own among all the other dominant characters - and one element I really liked was that no one seemed entirely set on being dominant, they seemed to switch it up a fair amount.

There's no sense of shame about any of the very kinky boundaries being pushed, and I liked that as well. It was easier to enjoy the novel when everyone in it was enjoying themselves too.

This one is definitely for the open-minded - there's a lot of variety in the various scenes that take place, but I think it's pretty rewarding!

See this review and others at ToEachTheirOwnReviews.com

I received this from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.