A review by elylibrarysec
Ain't He Precious? by Juliette Poe, Sawyer Bennett


Rating: 4.5 Stars

Ryland “Ry” Powers feels like he’s stepped back in time. Patricia “Trixie” Mancinkus has a crusty old man that she loves so much – made me think of my dad. It reminds me of simpler times. When we didn’t have to rush and when we actually talked to people instead of texting or emailing them. The setting reminded me of the old television show Matlock. If you ever get a chance, check it out.

The author grabbed my attention right at the point where I see the town that Trixie lives in. It made me chuckle right out of the gate. Instead of watching a comedy show on TV, it’s like reading the script. It’s interesting to watch a big city lawyer, with big city ideas, come and get the wind knocked out of his sails. One character to watch out for is Pap. He may be military but he’s just a big old softy.

What a great way to start this series. We get a real feel for the town and a little understanding about Trixie’s family. I certainly want to know more about both. If I ever get myself down South or maybe even to North Carolina, this book will need to come with me. There were times that I felt as if Andy Griffith was reading the story to me. He would be a perfect fit for Judge Bowe. One character I wanted to get to know better is Lowe. He happens to be Trixie’s brother and I wanted to know what made him tick.

This may be a short story but you won’t feel like something got cut short. When you think of the South, you think laid back and things moving slower. This book will do that for you. You will want to sit back, get comfortable, and just enjoy what Ms. Poe has written. And the ending, when it comes, has me ready for book two.

I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.