A review by jlheron
Unbreakable by Rebecca Shea


Some spoilers:

I really enjoyed reading this book, but man those chapters of her in North Carolina nearly killed me. All I wanted to do was skip right to the good part. You know the HEA? Yeah, I just would not stop holding my breath until everything was as it should be.

I wasn't quite sure what this "Tragic" thing was that was suppose to happen. I thought maybe someone would die. But sexual assault is no stranger to me when it comes to books. I've read a few where characters deal with the after math of abuse/rape. And to be honest, they just confuse me how they deal with what happened to them. Refuse to talk to anyone, push people away, shut down. Maybe it's different as a reader because I am looking in at the situation, and I can see all the people around said character that are there for them. It really pains me when they don;t lean on those that are there. Well eventually they do, but the journey to get to that pint is always hard to read.
I have no experience in the situation so I don't know if it is a normal response, but what Jess did just confused me and pissed me off. She runs half way across the country for her internship and to get away, than she meets Landon where she crosses a whole bunch of lines in my book. All I was thinking the whole time they interacted was "Gabe, Gabe, Gabe, remember Gabe, go back to Gabe!!"
The scene in Landon's bedroom? Yeah that nearly brought me to tears. So what? She can be all intimate with Landon, let him touch her, comfort her, but Gabe got pushed away every time he tried to touch her? It just didn't make any sense to me!
But than I guess near the end I started feeling bad for Landon. Plus after the scene in his bedroom he decided to let her go, therefore I could breathe again-and all I had to do was wait for the HEA to unravel.
And did it ever. Gabe and Jess back together, married, and than a baby...Perfect ending.
God I love when a story get's this kind of ranting response out of me. They've been rare lately, and I'm just happy that I found and read this book. Not sure I will read Landon's story though. But this book I definitely enjoyed reading.