A review by rouver
Welcome to the Jungle by Jim Butcher


This was published in 2008, but the story occurs before Butcher's first book in the series, [b:Storm Front|47212|Storm Front (The Dresden Files, #1)|Jim Butcher|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1419456275s/47212.jpg|1137060], which was written in 2000. I liked the detail of Butcher staying true to his timeline by having Dresden use a pay phone to call his answering machine to check for voice messages. Plus, cell phones sorta go screwy around Dresden, if I remember correctly.

If you're not familiar w/ the Dresden Files, it's about a wizard (Harry Dresden) in Chicago that consults w/ the Chicago PD on cases that have a supernatural aspect to them. I'm a fan of the goofy humor, bad puns, and action. While Butcher has written Murphy, the female detective that hires Dresden, as a power in her own right, he unfortunately still relies on the standard 'helpless damsel in distress' to fill out his cast of characters. It was rather heavy-handed in this issue...the curvaceous assistant who clings to Harry through deepening danger...and I think that if I didn't already love the series, it would be pretty off-putting. It's been a while since his last novel came out (coming up on 4 yrs), so I thought these would be a fun way to review Harry's story arc.