A review by hmbb99
A Hero Born: The Definitive Edition by Jin Yong


A Hero Born is an epic novel about the Chinese, the Mongols, and the Huns. It was a story of the struggle between the differing clans. It is an epic tale of adventure, little bit of romance, and some legends mixed together. The story is long but packed full of action so the pace moves quickly.
I enjoyed the adventure, the characters, and the unfolding of the world in which they lived. I think I would have enjoyed the story more if I had a better understanding of Chinese culture and history or a better understanding of kungfu. Due to my ignorance of these topics, I wasn't as invested into the story as I could have been but it does make me want to educate myself further on the topics.
I don't think this was a book for me but if you enjoy kungfu or Chinese history you may want to pick up this story.
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the advanced copy of this book. The opinions are my own.