A review by mom2three
Hatched by Joanna Mazurkiewicz


I have read most of Joanna Mazurkiewicz's books, and I am a huge fan. It seems like every time I pick up her newest book I find myself saying it's my favorite. I'm going to say that again with this one! Her imagination knows no bounds, and her storytelling abilities are awe inspiring. Her world building, character development, and pace are some of the best. I have actually come to expect a certain level of excellence from her, and this one doesn't disappoint. Fran and her dragon quickly wormed their way into my heart, mostly because of Fan's snarky attitude, but also because she has a dragon. Who doesn't love a dragon? The way the dragons are dealt with in this one is very original, too. I read this one much too quickly, and I can't wait for the next book!