A review by labunnywtf
The Death of Bees by Lisa O'Donnell


It took me far too long to finish this book.

I had serious issues with the slang. Being an ignorant American, I said originally it was British, when it's actually Scottish. Which explains completely why I was so confused. I have a slightly better understanding of British slang.

This book is a fucker. That is the best descriptor I can use. You think you see things coming, and then you get slapped from an entirely different direction. And it's painful.

I bounced from liking to disliking Nelly. I felt bad for her, then annoyed with her. I didn't like Marnie at all even one infinitesimal bit in the beginning, and then your heart just bleeds. Eventually, you find you are bleeding from your pores for the both of them.

And Lennie. God, I can't even talk about Lennie.

This is a real fucker of a book. And I just...I don't even know that I can recommend it. It's beautiful, and painful, and sharp edged. So worth the read, but so wrenching.


Favorite librarian recommended this to me, by telling me the opening bit about "It's Christmas Eve." I got goosebumps like crazy, and promptly turned around to go find the book in the stacks.

Lots of British slang so far, hoping I can keep up.