A review by jiibii
Please Look After Mom by Kyung-sook Shin


"You don't understand why it took you so long to realize something so obvious. To you, Mother was always Mother. It never occurred to you that she had once taken her first step, or had once been three or twelve or twenty years old. Mother was Mother. She was born as Mother.Until you saw her running to your uncle like that, it hadn't dawned on you that she was a human being who harboured the exact same feeling you had for your own brothers, and this realisation led to the fact that she, too, had had a childhood. From then on, you sometimes thought of your Mother as
a child,
as a girl,
as a young woman,
as a mother who had just given birth to you."

The book's episodic nature was truly what captured me about it, the way the author tells the big picture using subtle and small events and happenings, which makes you slowly but inevitably realize how deep and caring Mother really was.