A review by bodebeabay
One is a Promise by Pam Godwin


[b:One is a Promise|34091798|One is a Promise (Tangled Lies, #1)|Pam Godwin|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1492642130l/34091798._SY75_.jpg|55106704] by [a:Pam Godwin|6474204|Pam Godwin|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1545404751p2/6474204.jpg]
Genres: Adult, Erotica, Mystery, Romance, Suspense.
5 Full Stars!

Every now and then you read a book that just has every element in it that captures you in such a way you can't let it go.

This is one of those stories.

I am a big opponent of 'Cliffhangers'. They irritate me. I want my HEA. I want completion.
So giving this 5 stars is a miracle, a true phenomenon for me.

And it Deserves every star I gave it. Maybe more.

Color me flabbergasted!

Yes, I expected it to be good. I expected to enjoy it. It is written by [a:Pam Godwin|6474204|Pam Godwin|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1545404751p2/6474204.jpg]
so my expectations were high.
But I knew going in that is was a 'To Be Continued' story, so that brought my excitement down a level or two.
My objections to the unpleasantness and offensiveness of a 'Cliffhanger' was Shot Dead and Demolished.

This story ConSumeD Me!
It took NO prisoners.

Superbly written. I didn't find any editing errors.
Fast paced. No unnecessary words. No repetition.
Outstanding characters. I could not get enough of ALL 3 mc's. They are all outstanding and you connect on a level that absorbs your every breath.

I didn't read this book.
I Inhaled It! And it Devoured my Soul!

This isn't just a story. It is a Masterpiece and for the 1st time in my life, I am completely okay with a story being in 3 full length parts.

The intimacy is adult and erotic.
Filled with passion and emotions.

The mystery that clings just between the lines keep you questioning and on the edge.

By the end you get some answers and the Blow Your Mind. You will be destroyed and left feeling like ruble on the floor.

Expect a massive 'Book Hangover' after reading this.

I know! A cliffhanger. But do not let that keep you from reading this beyond Excellence story.
It is just that 'Remarkable'.