A review by katkinney
Follow the Hummingbird by Elena Carter


I really enjoyed FOLLOW THE HUMMINGBIRD, a fantasy novel where Tina, a grieving widow, discovers that aspects of her dreams have the power to come true. The writing does an excellent job of slowly drawing you into Tina’s reality through her friends’ concern over her mental state. I liked Natalie and Mike both as side characters, and also Alice, a pivotal character who we meet a bit later. We soon learn that the migraines and blackouts may have another cause and that some things Tina experiences while asleep seem to follow her into wakefulness. I loved the hummingbird connection and the sense of mystery. Tina through Alice soon learns the extent of her abilities to travel between worlds, and all the danger and beauty and possibility that will mean. Can I please have a giant tangerine nut eating squirrel, lol? This also means possibilities for the way she may be able to shape past events, and I loved the way this raised complicated questions. I loved the way the novel ended and am excited for book two! 5/5 stars.