A review by terragoes
The Wives of Los Alamos by TaraShea Nesbit


I really enjoyed the topic of this book. It provides an interesting look at the lives of women married to the scientists who worked on the Manhattan Project at Los Alamos during WWII. While I know the basics of how and where the atomic bomb was developed, I had never considered what life might have been like for the women who joined their husbands in New Mexico. It was neat to read about these women packing up their lives and moving to an unknown location for unknown amount of time, all because that's what their nation and their husbands asked of them.

All that said, while I really did enjoy the topic, the first person plural was less fun. I spent the first 25 pages thinking eventually it would switch to a more personal story, but it never did. That first person plural sticks around for the entirety of the book. It made it difficult to feel any sort of connection with the women, and instead it felt more like a vague overview of something that happened to someone.