A review by annie8782
Take Three Girls by Simmone Howell, Fiona Wood, Cath Crowley



Picking up this book, I thought, "oh I might like it". But I didn't expect to LOVE IT THIS MUCH

Every single character in this book- Kate, Clem and Ady, but also all the side characters - were soooo incredibly well developed and portrayed. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing each of them develop as a person and see both their flaws and strengths.

I am very impressed with how the three authors dealt with the issues in this book. I think everything was very well done, the character's struggles were realistic and understandable. I think every situation- good, bad, and neither or both -was very realistically portrayed and expressed very well.

I must say my favourite character to read about was Kate. I related most to her, in the sense of being a quiet girl who does her work at school, but is more than that. And that she wants to go on with science, but also wants to go on with something less stable. I could truly understand her struggle.
Also can we just have a moment to appreciate
Spoiler KATE AND OLIVER'S RELATIONSHIP?! LIKE HOW PERFECT AND ADORABLE IS IT? I couldn't let go after finishing the book, I had to go and reread every encounter they ever had because I'm in love with their relationship so much. I honestly think they're perfect together (and I now Oliver is another of my big-crushes-on-fictional-boys).
Honestly, I just need an entire book on Kate. With a lot of Oliver scenes.

I did also really enjoy reading about the other two girls. I really liked Ady's development as a popular girl to realising what kinds of people she really needs in her life, and how she embraces her unique self. Also, her family life was hard but I think a lot of readers would be able to relate in some way. I loved how much Ady was into art and how she dealt with PSST.
Spoiler I was a bit shocked to discover she was bi as I hadn't seen anything leading up to there about it (her lack of attraction to Rupert isn't a good indicator if a character is bi, so don't argue that). And it seemed at first that Max had made an assumption but looking at it now, most of their relationship was off-the-page until then so they could easily have spoken about sexualities before then. Once it happened, though, I really liked them together, and I loved that Ady didn't feel the need to come out, because I think it should be that way for LGBTQ+ everywhere.
All in all, I think she is a really interesting character and was very well written.

Clem was also an interesting character and very well written. I didn't like her that much. I couldn't relate to her at all, I didn't like her choices. But, I grew to really understand and empathisize with her. I really like how much she developed as a character and how much she managed to get over. I think her struggles to get over things were realistic and understandable.
Spoiler Her relationship with Ben is one that I don't think would work out, but that I think is what they both need at the time so it was good.

I don't live in the city but I'm from Melbourne's outer suburbs, so reading about places like Richmond and Hawthorn and people using Mykis and sitting at the tram stop and using a V/Line train was sooo good and I loved it.

Also, the whole PSST thing was written very well and omg PLOT TWISTTTTTTT

Actually, literally everything in this book was written incredibly well. Lets leave it at that.