A review by beckymmoe
Crazy for You by Rachel Lacey


Crazy for You is a fun, sweet read--Emma and Ryan are easy characters to root for, and the best friend's little sister troupe is one of my weaknesses. (Really, Mom and Dad, what were you thinking, not giving me an older brother? Very short sighted of you.) The secondary characters are great here too--Ethan and Gabby from book 1 ([book:Run to You|28119216]), Carly from the prequel novella ([book:Rock with You|29905104]), even poor Mark and Jess, who don't get their chance at a second chance until the next book ([book:Can't Forget You|31933234]--but that's at least better than Mandy, who doesn't even have that...yet), plus Ryan's long lost baby brother, Trent--interesting characters, all. If it's your first trip to Haven, though, no worries--it'd work just fine as a standalone too.

There really aren't a lot of surprises in this story, which is fine--Ryan hasn't really been a "bad boy" since he moved back to town, and it's clear from the start that he's going to have no problem seeing Emma as a grown up instead of the little sister hanger-on that she used to be, once he gives himself permission to look. The promise-to-her-big-brother part was going to be trickier, but then again it always is. The solution to Emma's future was honestly so easy to see from the beginning, I was surprised that it took so long for that part of it to be resolved, but it wasn't any less satisfying for being obvious.

What makes the story stand out, though, is the writing. Ms Lacey manages to make rock climbing sound sexy when she writes scenes like this one:
"Watching you climb that rock is the biggest f-ing turn-on."

Really? She must have looked ridiculous, failing around as she scrambled for the top. "It would be really bad if you took me right here." She emphasized the word as fantasies of them having wild sex up here on top of the world exploded through her brain.

He groaned. "Bad in all the wrong ways. Bad in the 'bruises and scrapes where the sun don't shine' and potentially fall to your death in the throes of passion kind of way."

Well, when he put it that way...
Yeah. So maybe not...

Still. Fun to imagine in the abstract, while we wait for Mark's book :)

Rating: 4 stars / B+

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.