A review by saadamansayyed
Dress Coded by Carrie Firestone


Disclaimer: This review is by a boy of color of the same age as the protagonist. That means my opinion can vary.

So.... where should I start my praise for this work?

First of all- the story is like a good story for me. Explores sexuality, coming-of-age and other stuff that happens to most girls well. Carrie did a job of a honest portrayal of what middle school is, rather than making it an utopia kingdom of happiness for juveniles.

Danny's subplot is decent, although not the best secondary plot of vaping,and totally, it describes social issues as is.

We Gen Z have this tendency to get outta the bunch; excellently explanations for that loll.

The characters of Will can be improved upon and I think I need one reasonable reason for Nick being straight-up mean. Ashley- she can be too. But that is not much of a deal-breaker, more of my perspective as a male on this book.

The chapters are ridiculously small and work around a script, closely-knit. It's not just narrative, but a healthy combination of transcripts, narratives, writing, and others.

The book closely ties high-school, middle grade and elementary together- explaining stuff better. Many a times, sensitive issues are discussed and I hope that I can just shut my eyes up because I'm not supposed to read it- LOLL.

Good story, bold story, enjoyable story. Also, I liked the continuation which tells us there's a sequel in the works- "All's Well in Bearville".

Props to the amazing Carrie Firestone for writing this amazing book-