A review by crystalmethany
The Escape of Princess Madeline by Kirstin Pulioff


A sweet, innocent fairy-tale fantasy. While it is really a children's book, it lacks anything that makes it stand out. Characters are very undeveloped and lacking in personality, and the story is wholly predictable and doesn't leave the reader with any desire to read more. The place descriptions, however, are very nicely written, but still I found my mind wandering as I read.The plot lacks any true villain, and Madeline is too much a whiny damsel-in-distress to be likeable, and Daniel is, of course, the dashing knight with as much personality as a brick. The king is an inconsistent character who is whatever the plot needs him to be, while twin brother Braden serves no real purpose, and friend Sophia only highlights what a silly and foolish character Madeline is.
May be perfectly enjoyable for younger readers, but there's still far better stuff out there for them to read.